Lung cancer is a serious disease that affects millions worldwide. Early detection plays a crucial role in improving treatment outcomes and increasing the chances of survival. Recognizing the warning signs and seeking prompt treatment can significantly impact the prognosis. By understanding these signs, individuals can become more proactive in monitoring their health and seeking timely intervention. This information also serves a huge purpose for people with a family history of lung or other types of cancer. Persistent cough A persistent or chronic cough is one of the most common symptoms of lung cancer. It can go on for several weeks or months if left untreated. Over time, the cough can worsen and may even be accompanied by blood-tinged sputum. It is essential to pay attention to the duration and frequency of the cough and seek evaluation if it persists or intensifies. Shortness of breath Breathlessness or shortness of breath experienced without cause or activity can be a huge red flag for people at risk of developing lung cancer. If one starts experiencing this symptom while performing day-to-day activities, it could indicate an underlying condition that should not be ignored. The tumor growing in the lungs can obstruct free breathing and the passage of gases through the airway.
Read More 7 early warning signs of arthritis
Arthritis is characterized by the tenderness and swelling of one or more joints in the body. Some of the most common types of arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. The condition results in multiple symptoms, most of which usually get diagnosed due to other health complications and age. But the symptoms may affect one’s quality of life. So it is imperative to identify the signs early and initiate a treatment plan for managing the condition. Pain in a joint Pain in one or more joints may occur due to certain situations, including injuries or joint overuse. Infections like the flu may also trigger acute pain in certain joint areas. In such situations, acute joint pain comes on quickly and fades away. However, if one develops a symptom out of the ordinary and the pain does not reduce over a period of time, one must get it checked by an expert at the earliest. Pain or aching in a joint that becomes worse over time is a potential sign of arthritis. The pain may be triggered by even mild activity, surface after activity, or following a long day at work. Furthermore, joint pain may also result in tenderness, a painful sensation even if mild pressure is applied to the affected area.
Read More How does excess sugar consumption affect sleep
Sugar forms a major part of daily sustenance as the condiment is widely used to prepare foods and beverages. However, sugar adds no nutritional value and is simply consumed because it enhances the taste of commonly consumed foods and beverages. Excess sugar consumption is one of the main reasons many people suffer from health complications that affect the body’s natural function. And here is how sugar can even trigger sleep disturbances affecting the natural circadian rhythm. Restlessness Sugar is empty calories, so no good comes from adding sugar to daily foods or beverages. Instead, more sugar in the bloodstream increases the risk of an imbalance that affects the body’s natural metabolism and functions. The sleep and wake-up cycle are regulated by hormones, mainly melatonin, produced naturally by the body. Changes in the body’s metabolic activities and functions affect melatonin production, thus disrupting the natural sleep cycle. As a result, one finds it difficult to go to sleep or stay in a rested rhythm for longer periods of time. The quality and duration of sleep directly impact the progression of known sleep disorders as well. Increases cravings Since sugar adds no nutritional value, the body craves more foods that can fill the void to support necessary functions.
Read More 8 foods to avoid when dealing with prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is curable, but certain lifestyle changes can aid the treatment process. So, it helps to make better food choices when dealing with the disease. This is especially important if one is undergoing procedures such as chemotherapy or immunotherapy that use powerful chemical agents to destroy cancer cells. These prostate cancer treatments often lead to side effects like nausea, heartburn, and headache, which can worsen with the intake of the following foods: Processed meat Processed meats such as hot dogs, sausages, beef jerky, pepperoni, and bacon contain high levels of sodium and saturated fats. Similarly, deli meats such as roast beef and turkey are also rich in sodium and unhealthy fats, which can lead to heartburn, indigestion, and elevated blood sugar. The high sodium and saturated fat content can disrupt the recovery process for those dealing with prostate cancer. One should opt for lean sources of protein like fatty fish, poultry, and plant-based alternatives (tofu or beans). Red meat Adding protein to meals is crucial when undergoing treatments for prostate cancer, as the nutrient can improve muscle strength and manage fatigue. While meat can be a rich source of protein, one should avoid excessive intake of red meat like pork, lamb, and beef.
Read More 6 early warning signs of developing colon cancer
Cancer causes rapid growth and spread of unhealthy cells in the body that destroy healthy cells. It is called colon cancer when it develops in the intestinal tract leading to the colon or rectum. While colon cancer has no cure, identifying its symptoms in time can help doctors confirm its presence and recommend treatments to improve the patient’s quality of life. Here are some early warning signs of colon cancer to look out for. Dark stools Cancer destroys healthy cells in the colon and triggers bleeding. When the blood mixes with the stools during bowel movements, it changes the shade of the feces to a dark reddish tinge. This is a clear sign of bleeding in the intestinal tract or the rectum. Some patients also experience external bleeding while passing dark stools with aggressive colon cancer. However, since hemorrhoids can also cause rectal bleeding, it is vital to monitor the progression of this symptom. With hemorrhoids, the bleeding comes and goes with flare-ups. However, with colon cancer, the bleeding persists and worsens as the disease progresses. Erratic changes in bowel movements Since colon cancer develops in the intestinal tract connecting to the rectum, it affects the frequency of a person’s bowel movements.
Read More Avoid these 3 breathing mistakes for healthy lungs
Breathing is a crucial and natural process for sustaining life. However, have you ever thought about the possibility of there being a correct or incorrect way of doing it? Though it may seem strange since breathing is usually something we do involuntarily, there are several tips for breathing correctly, as well as common mistakes that many of us make daily. This article aims to explore these mistakes and provide guidance on how to avoid them. Using your mouth Many people, including children and adults, breathe through their mouths. However, this can lead to crooked teeth, facial deformities, and stunted growth in kids. In adults, mouth breathing can cause gum disease and bad breath. Breathing through the nose is the proper way to inhale and exhale air. The nostrils in the nose act as filters that keep the air warm and humidified, which can be beneficial in cold and dry climates. It’s important to remember that mouth breathing is not unnatural but is not the best way to breathe. So, it’s advisable to make a conscious effort to breathe through the nose whenever possible. Not breathing through your belly To perform belly breathing, one must use the diaphragm, a muscle located above the stomach.
Read More 7 regular use household products harmful to lung health
Many adults in the country experience one or more types of lung and respiratory disorders, often due to the presence of carcinogens in the atmosphere. In some cases, symptoms may even appear during early childhood. These harmful particulate matters can impact breathing and other respiratory functions. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of the risks posed by common cleaning and hygiene products used in their households. Here are seven such products that can potentially cause lung problems: Air fresheners Aerosol sprays containing fragrances are commonly used around the house, especially inside the washroom. And depending on the size of the family, one might be using these products repeatedly. So, the exposure rate for air fresheners is high, and someone with existing lung problems will suffer from respiratory issues after coming in contact with such products. That’s mainly because fragrances contain scents added to compressed gases inside the can. Many of these scents are ethyl based and are quite toxic. Even the slightest exposure can worsen symptoms of respiratory and lung disorders, triggering a flareup. Oven cleaners Baking and grilling ovens collect a lot of the soot and fumes released while cooking. Oven cleaners effectively disintegrate the debris that collects inside the oven.
Read More 7 effective tips for protecting the eyes while traveling
Traveling often or traveling long distances comes with its own challenges. Be it air, train, or road journeys, stress, and discomfort can trigger certain issues. While most people don’t intentionally neglect or avoid taking care, it’s possible to overlook a few simple practices and hygiene habits that could have ensured the body felt better rested. Thus, here are a few essential tips for protecting your eyes outdoors as well as indoors during your next trip. Apply a warm compress Long-distance travel can be quite stressful for the eyes. So, applying a warm compress over the eyelids upon arrival at the destination helps soothe sore muscles and improves fluid movement near the tear ducts. Apply the compress for a good 10 to 15 minutes and let the heat gently overcome the strain. This technique will help protect your eyes from developing an infection due to changes in temperature, climate, and even surroundings at a foreign location. It’s also better to wash your eyes with cold water gently to remove any dirt and debris that accumulates during the journey. Give importance to hydration Your eyes are self-cleansing and primarily rely on bodily fluids to prepare the lubricant that allows the eyeball to move freely.
Read More Home remedies to manage frequent urination
Urinating four to eight times a day is considered normal. However, some people visit the bathroom more frequently. They also experience severe urges and cannot hold urine in their bladder till it is convenient to go to the toilet. It could happen for several reasons, such as drinking too much water or being diagnosed with a health issue. Let us look at a few helpful home remedies for frequent urination. Pumpkin seeds Studies suggest that pumpkin seed oil extract may help control the urge to visit the bathroom, especially at night. The compounds found in the oil help improve the bladder’s muscle function, reducing the frequency of urination. These compounds also help improve prostate health, preventing urinary disorders. Magnesium hydroxide Magnesium hydroxide supplements are easily available in the market and are known to help with an overactive bladder. A study conducted with women found that over 50 percent of participants noticed improved symptoms after using this remedy. Research also suggests it can help reduce spontaneous muscle contractions in the body, which are known to trigger frequent urination. However, magnesium hydroxide may have side effects like vomiting, cramping, and diarrhea, so one should adjust their dosage after consulting an expert. Gosha-jinki-gan This is a supplement made using a mixture of ten different herbs.
Read More Consequences of ignoring arthritis-induced joint pain
Rather than a single condition, arthritis is a group of disorders that develop in vital bone and muscle joints affecting mobility and range of motion. Over a hundred different types of arthritis can develop in various regions of the body. However, most arthritis symptoms overlap with those of known progressive conditions, making it difficult to determine the exact source of such discomfort. However, one must avoid overlooking joint pain, a key symptom of arthritis. Here are the ways in which ignoring joint pain can worsen arthritis: Localized knee pain Knee pain is the most common type of discomfort reported by those with arthritis. So, it’s possible for many with the condition to ignore this symptom, thinking it is just a symptom flare-up. However, persistent knee pain, when a symptom of rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, could indicate an internal injury. Weak muscles and bones can trigger hairline fractures that do not necessarily exhibit any symptoms other than persistent pain. However, leaving such fractures and injuries unattended can result in permanent damage to the limbs. Severe injuries may even require surgical intervention to repair the muscle tissue and provide structural damage to bone joints. So, one should not ignore any type of knee pain that persists over a few days.
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