13 warning signs of dehydration

13 warning signs of dehydration

Water constitutes approximately 71% of the earth’s surface and 60% of the human body, making it an indispensable element of life. The body requires adequate water to perform several vital functions, including digestion, protection of tissues and the spinal cord, urination, bowel movements, replenishment of cells, and perspiration. Unfortunately, multiple studies have shown that 75% of adults in the country suffer from chronic dehydration. This article lists the common side effects of not having enough water. Abnormal urination patterns Lack of water in the body significantly affects urination, leading to lower urine output than usual. Moreover, the frequency at which one passes urine also decreases. Finally, the color of one’s urine becomes darker and more concentrated, which may leave a burning sensation around the urethra. The odor of one’s urine may also be stronger when dehydrated. Dryness of the tongue, mouth, and lips The salivary glands in the body require optimal fluid content to produce saliva, which is essential for lubricating the mouth. Dehydration reduces the body’s fluid levels, leading to mouth, lips, and tongue dryness. Chapped lips are common among individuals with dehydration. Lack of saliva can impede digestion and cause dental problems like tooth decay and gum disease.
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Recognizing the warning signs of a seizure

Recognizing the warning signs of a seizure

Seizures are a neurological condition that affects millions of people worldwide. They can occur at any age and can be caused by various factors, including genetics, head injuries, and infections. Seizures can be classified into two main categories: generalized and partial. Generalized seizures affect the entire brain, while partial seizures affect only a specific part. Recognizing the warning signs of a seizure is crucial for timely intervention and ensuring the safety of the affected person. Aura or premonitory symptoms Premonitory symptoms or aura are one of the common symptoms of seizures. The intensity, type, and presence of these symptoms can differ from person to person. Individuals may experience premonitory symptoms in the form of unusual smiles, tastes, visual disturbances, unexplained anxiety or fear, a sense of deja vu, or sudden mood changes. It is essential to identify and recognize these symptoms during the early stages. Identifying the early signs provides an invaluable opportunity to prepare for a seizure. Altered sensations A person might experience a wide range of sensory disturbances because of seizures. This includes a tingling sensation and numbness in various parts of the body, an altered perception of pain, touch, or temperature, and a sense of pressure or heaviness.
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6 clothing pieces that may affect one’s health

6 clothing pieces that may affect one’s health

On the surface, what one wears may seem like the most non-influential aspect of their health and wellness. However, clothing affects an individual internally and externally, mostly health-wise, in more ways than one. Certain outfits, such as comfortable, breathable ones made from bamboo, linen, silk, or cotton, are considered “healthy clothing.” On the other hand, certain clothes have been found to be detrimental to the wearer’s health. Here are some such clothes that affect health adversely: Underwire bras Underwire bras are convenient to use, but studies have found that they can have potentially long-term health risks, including cuts and punctures from the sharp-ish wires, skin problems, long-term headaches, blocked milk ducts for nursing mothers, neck pain, uneasiness in the chest, indigestion, and several other problems. Some other health hazards posed by these types of bras include the metallic straps impeding the wearer’s blood flow and attracting undesirable electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) to the breast areas, increasing the risk of radiation-based health issues like cancer in women over time. Tight underwear for men As is the case with tight bras for women, tight underwear can be problematic for men from a health perspective. Overly fitted underwear can drastically increase the temperature around a man’s testes, leading to eventual and permanent infertility and impotence.
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Top 9 household items that are linked with cancer

Top 9 household items that are linked with cancer

The increasing number of people falling prey to cancer is rising, and ensuring that every home remains safe has become more important. Unbeknownst to many of us, numerous products we bring into our homes repeatedly contribute to the increased cancer risk. From everyday products found in kitchens to unsuspecting items in bathrooms and beyond, we can make changes that can create healthier environments and help prioritize our well-being. Let’s learn which household items to avoid. Cleaning products Most conventional cleaning products are being flagged for being harmful to health. They contain chemicals that make these products endocrine disruptors, carcinogens, and in some cases, respiratory irritants. Various ingredients, including ammonia, formaldehyde, and phthalates, have been researched to be associated with different types of cancer. To avoid the risk of the disease, adopting eco-friendly alternatives with natural compounds is suggested. You can also use kitchen ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, and lemon to make your cleaners at home. Personal care products We are constantly bombarded with a range of personal care products that pop up in the market every day. And this drives our curiosity to try and test various products that claim to have so many benefits. However, some personal care products like soaps, shampoos, deodorants, and others can contain harmful ingredients.
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10 foods to avoid when dealing with atrial fibrillation

10 foods to avoid when dealing with atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is a condition characterized by rapid, irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia, which begins in the heart’s upper chambers or atria. As less blood is pumped out of the atria, it can accumulate in this region, causing blood clots and increasing the chances of developing a stroke. In addition to timely treatment, a healthy lifestyle and meal plan can help one recover from atrial fibrillation. Here are some foods people with the condition should avoid: Processed foods Processed foods contain salt in large amounts, so they can increase sodium levels in the body. High blood pressure and heart disease are common consequences of a high-sodium meal plan. So, those with atrial fibrillation should avoid processed foods like frozen pizza and extremely salty foods like fries, chips, and burgers and replace them with healthy carb and fat sources. Red meat Although red meat is an excellent source of iron and protein, it is rich in saturated fats, which can increase the risk of developing heart diseases and aggravate atrial fibrillation symptoms. So, when dealing with atrial fibrillation, one should limit their red meat intake, replacing it with lean meat sources like poultry and venison. Sugary foods Studies have demonstrated that those with type-2 diabetes are more susceptible to developing atrial fibrillation than those with normal blood sugar levels.
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Understanding high cholesterol – Its symptoms and associated risk factors

Understanding high cholesterol – Its symptoms and associated risk factors

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance produced by the liver. It builds healthy cell membranes, vitamin D, and certain hormones. Since it cannot dissolve in water, it does not travel through the bloodstream. It is carried by lipoproteins, which are low-density lipoproteins (LDLs, or bad cholesterol) and high-density lipoproteins (HDLs, or good cholesterol). High amounts of LDL or low amounts of HDL can lead to fatty buildup in the blood vessels. High cholesterol To find out one’s cholesterol levels, a lipid profile may be required. Here’s what the results mean: Total cholesterol in adults These are the parameters to check one’s total cholesterol: Normal: Less than 200 mg/dL Borderline: 200 to 239 mg/dL High: 240 mg/dL or above LDL cholesterol in adults These are the parameters to check one’s LDL cholesterol: Optimal: Less than 100 mg/dL Near-optimal: 100 to 129 mg/dL Borderline high: 130 to 159 mg/dL High: 160 to 189 mg/dL Very high: 190 mg/dL or above HDL cholesterol in adults These are the parameters to check one’s HDL cholesterol: Optimal: 60 mg/dL or higher Borderline: 40 to 59 mg/dL among men and 50 to 50 mg/dL among women Low: Under 40 mg/dL among men and under 50 mg/dL among women Medicare insurance covers routine blood checkups for high cholesterol once every five years.
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6 foods that help increase red blood cell count

6 foods that help increase red blood cell count

Red blood cells (RBCs) are essential to ensure the proper functioning of vital organs in the body. The transportation of nutrients and oxygen to these organs depends heavily on RBCs. It’s important to note that insufficient RBCs can lead to organ dysfunction, which is why maintaining a healthy RBC count is crucial. Fortunately, one way to achieve this is through proper nutrition. Several foods can help increase RBC count, ensuring the body functions at its best. Pumpkin seeds These seeds are well-known for their cardiovascular health benefits and can also help increase a person’s red blood cell count. Pumpkin seeds have a characteristic crunchy feel, making them a handy snack option for people to munch on every now and again. More importantly, these seeds contain almost eight milligrams of iron along with nutrients like magnesium, calcium, and manganese. All these elements are essential to boost red blood cell production in a person’s body. Moreover, pumpkin seeds also contain loads of copper, another mineral associated with increasing the red blood cells in the body and enhancing one’s immune system. As stated, pumpkin seeds can be eaten alone or sprinkled over smoothies or salads. Regardless of how one consumes them, pumpkin seeds are a great way to increase hemoglobin levels.
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Warning signs of poor eye health due to high sugar levels

Warning signs of poor eye health due to high sugar levels

This may not be widely known, but diabetes can also affect eye health when the blood sugar levels are very high in the body. The condition typically has many signs and symptoms that point toward deteriorating eye health; for example, high sugar levels can change the fluid levels in the eyes, cause swelling, or even damage tiny blood vessels. So, let’s look at some of the signs of poor eye health due to high sugar. Blurry vision If you are suddenly experiencing blurry vision, this may be likely due to the high sugar level in the blood. Blurry vision is usually a temporary problem and can be resolved by getting the glucose back to normal. The normal blood sugar should be between 70-130 mg/dL before meals and less than 180 mg/dL post meals. Once these numbers are under control, you can notice your blurry vision improving. It is said that it usually takes around 3 months of constant care and observation to fix the problem, so be consistent in your efforts, and you will see the results. Of course, always speak to your doctor to rule out any other causes for the blurry vision and ensure you are taking the right treatment.
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Effects of excessive sugar consumption on the teeth and its signs

Effects of excessive sugar consumption on the teeth and its signs

Most people consume sugar on a daily basis. However, one may not know the dental problems associated with excessive sugar. These often include common issues such as cavities/tooth decay, tooth enamel erosion, gingivitis, and other diseases that can hamper oral health. If you are partial to fizzy drinks and sweets, you may want to learn about dental problems caused by excessive sugar and the signs to keep an eye out for. What are the common dental problems caused by excessive sugar? Tooth enamel erosion The shiny enamel layer on the teeth protects the body part against the effects of crunching, grinding, chewing, and biting. But it is susceptible to damage. So, when one drinks sodas and other sugary foods and beverages constantly, it can cause the bad bacteria in the mouth to eat away at the enamel, leading to its erosion. This can be further aggravated by the failure to clean the teeth regularly. Cavities/ Tooth decay Due to excessive consumption of sugar, one can have damaged areas in their teeth. These are commonly known as cavities and can develop into small holes or openings on the surface of the teeth. The main cause behind the formation of cavities is the bad bacteria in the mouth, namely Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sorbinus.
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7 signs of low immunity due to excessive sugar

7 signs of low immunity due to excessive sugar

When eaten in moderation, sugar may have some benefits, such as improving one’s energy levels. However, excess consumption can have damaging effects on one’s immune system. It could result in the growth of unhealthy bacteria and yeast, which could compromise one’s immunity and lead to adverse effects on one’s overall well-being. So if the immune system is affected due to excessive sugar intake, here are seven signs one might experience. Regular cold Generally, adults may experience about two or three colds each year. People also usually recover in seven to ten days after falling ill. Recovery is possible because the immune system develops antibodies in about three to four days to fight the cold-causing germs. However, when immunity is weakened due to factors like too much sugar intake, it could affect the ways in which one’s immune system develops antibodies to tackle these invaders. So if one experiences regular colds, or develops one that does not run its usual course, it could indicate a problem with their immune system that requires an expert’s opinion. Stress Stress might be triggered by several factors, including significant life changes, constant worrying, and possibly work. However, if one finds themselves feeling high levels of stress for prolonged periods of time, it could indicate a weak immune system.
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