7 tips to manage schizophrenia

7 tips to manage schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a treatable mental illness characterized by distortions in speaking, thinking, and behavior accompanied by auditory and visual hallucinations. It is estimated that 3.5 million people in the country have been diagnosed with schizophrenia and other related mental illnesses. However, most symptoms significantly improve with treatment. But since there are too many myths and half-truths about the condition, you must learn the following tips to manage schizophrenia:

Learning the truth and facts about schizophrenia

Lack of awareness has resulted in the proliferation of myths about schizophrenia. It can confuse the person affected and their immediate circle of family and friends who may be their caregivers. Knowing the truth is essential for both patients and caregivers.

Schizophrenic patients are not dangerous.

They have a mental illness.

They do not have a split personality or multiple personality disorder.

They can get better with a structured and continuous treatment.

Parental or societal influences do not cause schizophrenia.

Learning about symptoms

A person with schizophrenia may exhibit one or more of its typical symptoms. Knowing the typical symptoms can help one prepare to take adequate preventive measures per the doctor’s advice. While an individual can work on managing stress independently, it is advisable to go to a doctor if they experience severe and intense mood changes, thoughts, or symptoms of a psychotic episode. Some typical symptoms of schizophrenia include:


Changes in behavior and mood

Frequent bickering with people around you

The inability to focus, concentrate or plan for activities

Inability to express any feelings

Lack of energy and constant fatigue

Lack of interest in routine activities


Seeing or hearing things

Unusual thoughts

Being optimistic

Though schizophrenia is a chronic condition with no cure, extensive studies and research have helped doctors create new and effective treatment methods and therapies. Behavioral therapies, cognitive behavioral therapies, psychotherapies, counseling, social skills training, and supported employment have helped improve their lives. Do not hesitate to talk to family, friends, and caregivers about the condition and seek their support whenever it is needed. There are numerous examples of people becoming better after receiving continuous treatment. Being positive about an individual’s or their loved one’s health can help recover faster.

Working proactively to cope with stress

Stress can worsen schizophrenia, as the affected person may be unable to cope with too many things around them. Loud noise or too much activity around them can cause stress and trigger symptoms. Faster heartbeat, nausea, headache, sweating, and grinding of teeth are some physical symptoms that they are going through stress. They may also repeatedly process old and unhappy memories. They will likely go through phases of fear, irritability, mood swings, and paranoia. They may walk up and down, cry without reason, take drugs or alcohol, isolate themselves, hide or lash out at people next to them. If the following symptoms are noticed, one can do the following to manage stress:

Turn off the lights, lie down or take a nap

Listen to music or do anything relaxing

Practice deep breathing

Stop doing high-energy activities

Talk to a dear one about the symptoms

Connecting with support groups

Numerous organizations work with people with schizophrenia. These groups educate them, provide advocacy, support employment, and can connect them with other people with schizophrenia. One can register with leading support groups like National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Schizophrenia Alliance, or any active group. One can also connect with other patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and learn how they managed their illness.

Being prepared for an emergency

Despite best efforts, there may be a situation where a person could not read the symptoms correctly. An individual could face a situation where they may experience abnormal symptoms or see a loved one experience symptoms like:

Inability to differentiate between real and unreal situations – this is known as a psychotic episode

Hearing and seeing things others cannot hear or see

Repeated suicidal thoughts or thoughts of hurting themselves or others

Inability to wean off drugs or alcohol

In such cases, it is best to reach out immediately to family, friends, or 911 so they can receive appropriate treatment. Doctors may also suggest hospitalization based on the intensity of the symptoms.

Preparing a detailed plan for recovery

Relapses during treatment are common and could be triggered by stress, use of alcohol, other illness, abrupt treatment discontinuation, or fatigue. It is best to discuss with the doctors and plan to do things that help reduce stress. Pay attention, identify the early warning signs, and contact the doctor immediately if the signs are noticed. Please do not assume that the symptoms may go away on their own. Set up a routine and plan the day so that one has adequate time for rest and a minimum of eight hours of sleep.

What are the early warning signs of a relapse in schizophrenia?

There are multiple early warning signs that one may have a relapse after a period of lull. Develop awareness of the physical and mental changes an individual may go through. Some early warning signs of a potential relapse are:


Decision-making problems

Feeling numb

Hastened heartbeat and breathing

Hearing voices


Inability to take part in or listen to conversations

Isolation and withdrawal

Mood swings characterized by anger

Sudden sweating

Unnecessary worry about mundane things and situations

Talk to the caregivers, and take time to figure the thoughts out. If one cannot do it independently, talking to primary responders and requesting medical attention will be beneficial.

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Understanding arthritis – A common joint condition

The joints are constantly working while we move our limbs, so, understandably, people may develop certain joint conditions that cause pain and compromise mobility, especially with age. One of the common joint conditions is arthritis, which leads to joint inflammation and mild to severe pain. While there are several types of arthritis, the two most common types are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Stages Rheumatoid arthritis has four stages: Stage 1: At this stage, inflammation occurs inside the joints, and swelling, stiffness, and joint pain are the common symptoms. Stage 2: The inflammation of the joint lining, synovium, aggravates at this stage and results in cartilage damage. The affected joints’ range of motion is also compromised, causing pain and discomfort. Stage 3: At this stage, the severity of the joint condition increases, and it leads to bone damage. This results in more pain, loss of mobility, and weakness of muscles. The bones rubbing against each other can cause bone deformity as well. Stage 4: This is the final stage where the joints stop functioning completely. It leads to more pain, stiffness, and swelling, and the bones may even fuse, which is known as ankylosis. Osteoarthritis also has four stages of progression: Stage 1: Wear and tear may affect the knee joints, and minor spur growths on the affected bone can also be seen, but the condition does not cause too much pain at this stage. Stage 2: The bone spur growths increase and cause pain, and the knee joints become stiffer. Stage 3: This stage is characterized by joint inflammation leading to increased pain and stiffness. Walking can also cause popping sounds in the joints. Stage 4: The space between the bones in the joints becomes very narrow, causing the cartilage to wear down. Also, a chronic inflammatory response caused by the breakdown of cartilage aggravates discomfort and pain. Diagnosis of arthritis These joint conditions can be diagnosed using several tests. A physical examination reveals whether a patient has red, warm, and tender joints, and this test also helps examine the fluid around the joints. A rheumatologist can analyze the level of inflammation in the joints to determine the type of arthritis an individual is affected with. Also, blood tests are undertaken to check for antibodies like anti-CCP, rheumatoid factor, and antinuclear antibody. In addition, X-ray, CT scans, and MRI are also performed to check the condition of the cartilage and bones. Prevention of arthritis A family history of joint conditions like arthritis or aging can increase one’s risk of developing arthritis, but making certain lifestyle changes can also help lower the chances of developing the condition. To start with, one should include more foods with omega-3 fatty acids in their diet as these healthy fats are anti-inflammatory. One should also exercise regularly, keep their weight under check, reduce stress on their joints, and try to avoid injuries. Also, if one notices any symptoms of arthritis, they should consult a doctor immediately as early diagnosis goes a long way in managing the condition effectively through timely treatment.

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Various ways to help manage multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that affects the plasma cells responsible for overall immunity. The mutation triggers an abnormal multiplication of these cells and releases antibodies that affect bone health and compromise bone marrow function. Multiple myeloma is a rare form of cancer with no cure as yet. However, as given below, changes in daily nutrition and lifestyle can supplement the suggested prescriptions and treatments to improve quality of life: Treatments suggested for various stages of multiple myeloma Orthopedic surgeons, radiation oncologists, oncologists, and bone marrow transplant specialists are the doctors qualified to treat the various stages of multiple myeloma. Approved prescriptions A combination of chemotherapy, corticosteroids, immunomodulating agents, proteasome inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies, and nuclear export inhibitors are used for treating and managing multiple myeloma. These are various classes of prescriptions suggested based on the severity of the symptoms and stage of myeloma. Each prescription targets and manages a specific symptom to help lower discomforts caused by progressive cancer. Radiation therapy Radiation is one of the commonly suggested treatments to manage the symptoms of multiple myeloma. It is usually the next step for patients who are not responding well to chemotherapy. High-energy rays are focused directly to destroy as many cancer cells as possible to prevent the spread from the localized region. This is done with the help of an external machine designed to emit controlled radiation, so the treatment is minimally invasive. Radiation is done to prevent symptoms of multiple myeloma from affecting the vertebral bones in the spinal cord that could potentially lead to paralysis. CAR T-cell therapy Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell therapy is an innovative treatment used in immunotherapy. The immune system is modified genetically to search and destroy cancer cells that are attacking healthy tissue. To enable this function, specialists harvest T-cells from the blood and have them genetically modified in a laboratory. The modification triggers T-cells to bind to BCMA proteins found on cancer cells and helps destroy them at the source. There are several side effects of such BCMA therapies in the short term and long term. So, it is done only when the body is physically fit to endure the transfusion and associated genetic changes. Doctors conduct several diagnostic tests to assess the patient’s fitness. Stem cell therapy The bone marrow is primarily responsible for producing red blood cells, white blood cells, and lymphocytes that boost the immune system. Cancer can severely affect and weaken this function, which is where stem cell therapy can help. Healthy stem cells are harvested from a donor's bone marrow and transplanted into the patient’s bone marrow. The new cells help restore bone marrow function to boost immunity and fight cancer. Surgery Surgery is not a commonly suggested treatment as it is more invasive than alternatives available today. It can be suggested as an emergency procedure in multiple myeloma to counter the risk of spinal cord compression and possible paralysis. Surgery may also be done to provide support to weakened bone structures. Foods for multiple myeloma Changes in nutrition and cooking techniques can help manage certain symptoms and overcome side effects triggered by treatments for multiple myeloma. Foods rich in iron A low red blood cell count could trigger anemia and is one of the major risks of multiple myeloma. This is why nutritionists recommend including more iron-rich foods to help manage the condition. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, mango, papaya, pineapple, guava, and even lean red meats are great sources of iron. Fiber-rich foods Chemotherapy treatments can trigger constipation as a side effect among patients. To counter this discomfort, nutritionists suggest eating more fiber daily. Oatmeal, brown rice, broccoli, carrots, artichokes, apples, pears, oranges, berries figs, apricots, prune raisins, assorted nuts, lentils, and beans are naturally rich in fiber. Fiber aids with digestion and helps the body process foods effectively to lower the risk of constipation. Changes in cooking habits Treatments also compromise the immune system and increase the risk of infection. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain extra hygiene especially with daily cooking methods. It is advisable to avoid the consumption of raw foods or undercooked meats owing to the bacteria content. Doctors recommend peeling fruits and vegetables to remove as much external bacteria as possible and keep the risk of infection to a minimum. Lifestyle changes to support treatment and nutrition Lifestyle changes and incorporating healthy habits can also improve the outlook among patients. Staying active Leading a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of complications associated with progressive disorders like cancer. Doctors recommend some form of light to moderate physical activity to improve the mood, boost immunity, and lower the risk of infections. Avoiding the use of substances Many unhealthy substances that are designed to mimic feel-good hormones can affect immunity and disrupt the gut microbiome balance. All these factors can worsen symptom flareups and increase the risk of health complications. It is better to eliminate or gradually reduce the consumption of such substances. Getting adequate rest Sleep allows the body and mind to recover from a hectic day. Also, treatments of multiple myeloma can take a toll on the overall body, leading to fatigue. Getting proper rest allows the body to recover from fatigue, process daily nutrition better, and even boost immunity in the process. Sleep is also beneficial as it helps lower cortisol levels in the body to prevent stress from affecting immunity. Maintaining proper hygiene Washing hands regularly, avoiding exposure to allergens and bacteria, and getting proper vaccinations and immunizations can help maintain immunity. Multiple myeloma affects the production of white blood cells, the body’s first line of defense. Overall, forming hygienic habits lowers the risk of infections that surface contact or airborne viruses could trigger. At any point, if the symptoms persist or worsen during or post-treatment, immediate attention is advisable. It could be a sign of progression of multiple myeloma that could trigger severe complications if left unchecked. Consult with the specialist to understand the best possible course of action to improve your long-term outlook.

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Stages, diagnosis, and prevention of ADHD

Stages, diagnosis, and prevention of ADHD

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Understanding skin aging

Understanding skin aging

Changes in the skin are one of the biggest signs that the body is aging. But how the aging of skin takes place depends on a lot of factors such as our diet, lifestyle habits, stress levels, and the like. For example, if you smoke regularly, it can lead to the production of free radicals, which damage healthy skin cells and cause wrinkles. So, let’s dig a little deeper into skin aging so that you can diagnose it and prevent it for as long as possible. Stages of skin aging As you age, you will start noticing changes in your skin. These changes take place in phases or stages. Learning about these phases can allow you to take better care of your skin and stay away from everything that can prove to be harmful to it. So, these stages of skin aging are: Stage I – Between 25 and 35 years This is the time when your skin will look extremely voluminous to you. But, this is also the time when the early signs of aging will start to appear. Therefore, it is important that you follow a good skincare regime. Some wrinkles can start appearing on the forehead. Lines can also start to appear on the face when you make normal expressions such as laughing, smiling, or frowning.
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