7 Indicators of Excess Sugar Intake

7 Indicators of Excess Sugar Intake

The pandemic has led to an uptick in diabetes cases, as the low-grade inflammation triggered by the virus can worsen existing diabetes by tampering with insulin resistance. Certain research indicates that the virus can replicate within pancreatic beta-cells responsible for insulin production, hampering both synthesis and secretion. While the general health risks associated with excessive sugar consumption are well-known, this highlights the need to understand the seven warning signs of excessive sugar intake listed below.

Sugar cravings
If you have intense cravings for sweet foods and drinks, like candy, donuts, and soda, it may be a sign of consuming too much sugar. When we eat a lot of sugar, our bodies become used to getting a regular dose of it and start craving more. But giving in to the temptation can create a vicious cycle that leads to further cravings. While saying “no” to sweets can be challenging initially, it provides a range of health benefits in the long term.

Trouble sleeping
If you have difficulty falling or staying asleep, it could be because you’re adding too much sugar to your meals. Excess sugar can cause blood sugar spikes, leading to difficulty sleeping. It can also disrupt your circadian rhythm, the body’s natural process that regulates your sleep cycle. Eating sugary snacks late in the evening is especially harmful, as it gives you energy and prevents you from feeling tired and relaxing.

Trouble concentrating
A lack of concentration has many causes, and eating too much sugar is one of them. Sugar affects the brain’s ability to function correctly, impairing cognitive performance. It can also lead to fatigue. So, the next time you need help focusing or concentrating on tasks, take a moment to check whether it’s because of excess sugar intake.

Mood swings
Many research studies suggest that consuming large amounts of sugar can lead to mood swings. The rollercoaster of highs and lows that comes with sugary snacks can disrupt everyday life. If you become irritable and easily frustrated after eating sweets, it may be a sign of consuming too much sugar.

Skin changes
The skin is often the first place to look for signs of excess sugar intake. Too much sugar in the body can cause an inflammatory reaction in your skin. As a result, you may experience breakouts, acne, redness, and dryness and may also begin to look dull and lifeless. In some cases, excess sugar consumption can cause signs of premature skin aging, such as wrinkles or sagging skin. If you notice these changes in your skin, check if it could be due to consuming too much sugar.

Frequent cavities are one of the most visible signs of eating too much sugar. When you eat sugary foods and drinks, the bacteria in your mouth break down the tiny sugar particles left behind and produce acids that can cause tooth decay. If you face frequent cavities or other dental problems, it’s time to assess your sugar intake. If left ignored, cavities and tooth decay can cause excruciating pain and discomfort.

High blood pressure
While high blood pressure could be due to a serious underlying health condition, it’s also a sign of excess sugar intake. The most common indicators of high blood pressure are persistent lightheadedness or dizziness, pounding headaches, and chest tightness. These symptoms should not be ignored. If your blood pressure is found to be too high, doctors may recommend medical treatments . But for mild cases, the top health treatment options are lifestyle changes like exercising regularly and following a balanced meal plan.

If these signs sound familiar, it’s time to consider finding the cause. If you think overeating sugar is the reason, reduce your sugar intake and seek professional advice. Consulting with a local health practitioner nearby and using the right treatments to manage the symptoms can help ensure a healthier future.

Why is cutting back on sugar necessary?
Adding too much sugar to meals or overeating sugary foods can be detrimental to health. It can increase the risk of several conditions like tooth decay, heart disease, and diabetes. If left unattended, disorders like high blood pressure and diabetes can lead to complications like chronic kidney disease or CKD. While health treatments are available for CKD, they only help manage the symptoms and may not cure the condition. Therefore, avoiding sugar in the first place is advisable instead of depending on health and medical treatments later.

What can lead to excess sugar in the body?
Several factors could contribute to excess sugar in the body. For one, a person’s meals may be full of processed and refined foods high in added sugars, such as cookies, cakes, soda, and candy. Some individuals have a particular fondness for sugary snacks and drinks, making them more likely to indulge in them. Certain medical conditions like diabetes or kidney disease can also cause sugar cravings due to the body’s inability to regulate sugar levels. Diabetics, in particular, may experience high blood sugar due to the body’s inability to produce sufficient insulin.

How to monitor and control blood sugar?
Monitoring blood sugar is crucial, especially for those diagnosed with diabetes. Experts recommend regular health check-ups or using blood sugar monitoring kits at home. Those who don’t have the condition can get tested as the doctor recommends. Depending on the situation, health experts may recommend medical treatments to manage blood sugar or simple lifestyle changes, like exercise and eating the right foods.

Excess sugar intake has become a popular point of discussion in the health and wellness sphere. While sugar is not inherently bad, too much can lead to adverse health effects. So, watch out for the signs discussed here and visit a health professional to develop a strategy to cut back on sugar.

Signing up for Medicare might be a good idea for people with diabetes. Medicare is a federal health insurance plan that covers the cost of particular treatments and health supplies like continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices that help patients monitor blood sugar at home. It also covers the cost of diabetes prevention programs for people in the high-risk group.

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Understanding arthritis – A common joint condition

The joints are constantly working while we move our limbs, so, understandably, people may develop certain joint conditions that cause pain and compromise mobility, especially with age. One of the common joint conditions is arthritis, which leads to joint inflammation and mild to severe pain. While there are several types of arthritis, the two most common types are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Stages Rheumatoid arthritis has four stages: Stage 1: At this stage, inflammation occurs inside the joints, and swelling, stiffness, and joint pain are the common symptoms. Stage 2: The inflammation of the joint lining, synovium, aggravates at this stage and results in cartilage damage. The affected joints’ range of motion is also compromised, causing pain and discomfort. Stage 3: At this stage, the severity of the joint condition increases, and it leads to bone damage. This results in more pain, loss of mobility, and weakness of muscles. The bones rubbing against each other can cause bone deformity as well. Stage 4: This is the final stage where the joints stop functioning completely. It leads to more pain, stiffness, and swelling, and the bones may even fuse, which is known as ankylosis. Osteoarthritis also has four stages of progression: Stage 1: Wear and tear may affect the knee joints, and minor spur growths on the affected bone can also be seen, but the condition does not cause too much pain at this stage. Stage 2: The bone spur growths increase and cause pain, and the knee joints become stiffer. Stage 3: This stage is characterized by joint inflammation leading to increased pain and stiffness. Walking can also cause popping sounds in the joints. Stage 4: The space between the bones in the joints becomes very narrow, causing the cartilage to wear down. Also, a chronic inflammatory response caused by the breakdown of cartilage aggravates discomfort and pain. Diagnosis of arthritis These joint conditions can be diagnosed using several tests. A physical examination reveals whether a patient has red, warm, and tender joints, and this test also helps examine the fluid around the joints. A rheumatologist can analyze the level of inflammation in the joints to determine the type of arthritis an individual is affected with. Also, blood tests are undertaken to check for antibodies like anti-CCP, rheumatoid factor, and antinuclear antibody. In addition, X-ray, CT scans, and MRI are also performed to check the condition of the cartilage and bones. Prevention of arthritis A family history of joint conditions like arthritis or aging can increase one’s risk of developing arthritis, but making certain lifestyle changes can also help lower the chances of developing the condition. To start with, one should include more foods with omega-3 fatty acids in their diet as these healthy fats are anti-inflammatory. One should also exercise regularly, keep their weight under check, reduce stress on their joints, and try to avoid injuries. Also, if one notices any symptoms of arthritis, they should consult a doctor immediately as early diagnosis goes a long way in managing the condition effectively through timely treatment.

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14 Signs of Multiple Myeloma to Look Out for

Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that develops in the plasma cells or the white blood cells (WBCs). Healthy plasma cells help combat infections in the body by forming antibodies, which identify and attack germs. Cancerous plasma cells collect in the bone marrow in people with multiple myeloma, crowding the healthy blood cells. Hence, these malignant cells produce abnormal proteins instead of producing antibodies and negatively impact one's health. Signs of multiple myeloma Weakness or numbness Typically, multiple myeloma is associated with nerve compression, which can cause numbness in the limbs. Hyperviscosity might result in numbness or weakness in the legs, arms, and face. Nerve damage At times, the abnormal proteins generated by the plasma cells are toxic to the nerves. The damage can result in numbness and weakness. It might also trigger a needle-like sensation or peripheral neuropathy. Most people disregard this symptom as routine, but it is important to visit a doctor if the episodes are repeated. Bone pain It is another symptom usually experienced by people with multiple myeloma. Abnormal plasma cells grow in the cortical bone and bone marrow, resulting in generalized bone thinning and local bone damage. It is known as osteoporosis, a condition that makes the bones more susceptible to breakage. The ribs or back are the most prevalent sites of bone pain, which may aggravate at night and during movement. When cancer is present in the spine, the vertebrae (individual bones that compose the spine) collapse. It is known as a compression fracture. In the advanced stages of the condition, one's health might deteriorate further. If one does not take measures to treat the spinal compression instantly, it might result in permanent paralysis. High levels of calcium The body’s calcium levels go into the bloodstream when the bone breaks down. Typically, urine flushes it out, but if one has an excess of it, it might result in hypercalcemia. This might make it challenging for the kidneys to keep up, and one might experience further signs such as: Severe constipation Excessive thirst Loss of appetite Confusion Weakness Drowsiness Belly or abdominal pain Dehydration Kidney problems or kidney failure Frequent urination Thrombocytopenia In this condition, one does not have enough platelets or cells that aid in blood clotting as the unhealthy plasma cells crowd these platelets. This prevent's the bone marrow from making sufficient platelets. Leg swelling Multiple myeloma directly affects one's kidneys, preventing them from working effectively. It implies that the body fails to get rid of the excess fluids and salts, resulting in swelling in the legs. Kidney problems In the initial stages, the symptoms are unclear, but one can spot the signs of kidney damage in urine or a blood test. When kidneys begin failing, they cannot eliminate excess fluid, salt, and waste products from the body. It can result in symptoms like itching, shortness of breath, and weakness. Anemia Multiple myeloma hampers blood cell production in the bone marrow, which can result in a lack of red blood cells in the body. It can be a prevalent side effect of multiple myeloma treatment. People with anemia may experience breathlessness, weakness, and tiredness. Frequent infections People with multiple myeloma are susceptible to infections as the condition intervenes with the immune system and impairs the body’s ability to combat illness and infection. Thus, one might get frequent infections that usually last long. Unusual bleeding In some patients, the condition might result in unusual bleeding and bruising. It may also lead to heavy periods, bleeding gums, and frequent nosebleeds. This may happen because the cancer cells in the bone marrow curtail platelet formation. Leukopenia It is the absence of adequate white blood cells. Leukopenia aggravates one's susceptibility to infections like pneumonia. Amyloidosis This condition is caused when amyloid or abnormal proteins accumulate in the body organs. Cryoglobulinemia Multiple myeloma might make the protein in the blood clump together during cold weather. It is known as cryoglobulinemia and might result in weakness, purple spots on the mucous membrane, numbness and pain in the toes and fingers when exposed to cold weather, and joint pain. Thickened blood In some patients, the condition results in blood thickening more than usual because of the excess proteins. It is known as hyperviscosity and can result in problems like breathlessness, bleeding from the nose and gums, headaches, and blurry vision. What causes multiple myeloma? Healthcare providers and researchers do not know the exact cause of the condition. However, a few potential causes are as follows: Environmental factors: Studies suggest a potential connection between exposure to chemicals in herbicides, fertilizers, pesticides, or radiation and multiple myeloma. Genetic mutations Researchers are examining a link between changing or mutating oncogene (cells that promote growth) and multiple myeloma. Some studies also indicate that people with this condition do not have all parts of certain chromosomes. Having an inflammatory condition or disease: Inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, type-2 diabetes, and heart disease may lead to multiple myeloma. Risk factors Age: Usually, people over 65 are more susceptible to developing this type of cancer. Gender: Studies suggest that men have a greater risk of getting multiple myeloma than women. Working in the oil-related sector: People working in oil industries are more likely to develop multiple myeloma. Radiation exposure: People who undergo radiation therapy for any other cancer treatment might develop multiple myeloma. Pharma cell disorders: Some pharma cell disorders can aggravate one's risk of developing multiple myeloma. These include: Smoldering myeloma: A precancerous condition affecting the plasma cells, which may later become multiple myeloma. Solitary plasmacytoma: A rare condition, it is a single tumor of the plasma cells. Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance: It is also a precancerous condition that may advance to multiple myeloma.

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Stages, diagnosis, and prevention of ADHD

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Understanding skin aging

Understanding skin aging

Changes in the skin are one of the biggest signs that the body is aging. But how the aging of skin takes place depends on a lot of factors such as our diet, lifestyle habits, stress levels, and the like. For example, if you smoke regularly, it can lead to the production of free radicals, which damage healthy skin cells and cause wrinkles. So, let’s dig a little deeper into skin aging so that you can diagnose it and prevent it for as long as possible. Stages of skin aging As you age, you will start noticing changes in your skin. These changes take place in phases or stages. Learning about these phases can allow you to take better care of your skin and stay away from everything that can prove to be harmful to it. So, these stages of skin aging are: Stage I – Between 25 and 35 years This is the time when your skin will look extremely voluminous to you. But, this is also the time when the early signs of aging will start to appear. Therefore, it is important that you follow a good skincare regime. Some wrinkles can start appearing on the forehead. Lines can also start to appear on the face when you make normal expressions such as laughing, smiling, or frowning.
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Stages, diagnosis, and prevention of addiction

Stages, diagnosis, and prevention of addiction

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Top debt settlement companies in the USA

Top debt settlement companies in the USA

Incurring debt is really common in this age and era as everything has become extremely expensive, from college education to owing a house. If you ever feel that your debt is too large and you may not be able to pay it in time, then you can seek the help of a debt settlement company. These companies essentially communicate with your creditor to try and lower your debt and the rest of it is typically forgiven. Given below is a list of the top 9 debt settlement companies in the USA. National Debt Relief If you have USD 7,500 or more in debt, then the National Debt Relief can be a great choice for you. It is one of the most prominent debt settlement companies in the country. The initial consultation is offered for free, but you will have to pay 15-25% of the settled debt amount as a fee. Freedom Debt Relief This a dedicated company that offers debt relief services to people who have at minimum USD 7,500 to USD 10,000 in debt. 15-25% of the settle debt amount is charged as fee once a settlement is negotiated, and in return, they offer the possibility of settling the debt within 24-48 months.
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Allergies – Stages and prevention

Allergies – Stages and prevention

The immune system of our bodies is constantly fighting against viruses and bacteria to keep us healthy. However, in certain cases, the immune system may also end up fighting some substances that are not always harmful. When this happens, you experience an allergic reaction. The allergens are the substances that cause the reactions. With a little carefulness, you can prevent the allergies effectively. The allergic development Even though an allergic reaction can vary from person to person, it generally progresses in the same five stages: Stage 1 The allergen enters your body through food, air, or touch, and contact the cells in your body. Stage 2 Your immune system creates immunoglobulin E, which is a type of antibody. Stage 3 This antibody enters your gastrointestinal tract or respiratory tract but does not do anything. Stage 4 The next time when you are exposed to the same allergen, the immunoglobulin E treats it as a harmful substance and reacts with it. Stage 5 24 hours after the reaction, the immune system cells move towards the areas that were affected to release certain chemicals to treat it. How to diagnose allergies Your allergies can be diagnosed by a doctor. Before visiting him or her, you must recognize the symptoms of an allergic reaction.
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Anemia – Symptoms, types, and prevention

Anemia – Symptoms, types, and prevention

Anemia is a kind of medical condition in which an adequate amount of oxygen fails to reach one’s body’s tissues owing to the deficiency of red blood cells in their body. When one suffers from this condition, their body feels weak and exhausted all the time. Symptoms There are different kinds of anemia and each of them has a cause of its own. It can have short-term or long-term effects and the disease can be mild or severe in nature. If one sees any symptoms suggesting that point toward anemia, it is essential to consult a doctor immediately. The signs vary from person to person and depend on the cause or their origin. Sometimes, the chronic disease causes anemia and the doctor ends up diagnosing the disease but the fact that one is suffering from anemia does not show up in the test. Sometimes, there are mild symptoms and then, with time the symptoms become more prominent indicating that the disease has penetrated one’s body more deeply. Some of the commonly found symptoms include breathing difficulties, fatigue, pale skin, chest pain, headache, dizziness, hands and feet turning cold, irregular heartbeat, and pain in the chest . Types of anemia Iron deficiency anemia This is the most common kind of anemia, which occurs due to iron deficiency.
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