3 useful fruit intake tips for people with diabetes

3 useful fruit intake tips for people with diabetes

People with diabetes are often advised to avoid sweet foods as they can increase blood sugar levels. But not all sweet foods are bad. While refined sugar is a culprit, patients can add foods with natural sugar to their nutrition plan, like fruits. However, those with high blood sugar need to be cautious and follow specific rules when opting for fruits. Here are some fruit intake tips for diabetes patients: Consider where the fruit came from This does not mean finding out where the fruit was farmed. Tracking where the fruit came from involves understanding how it was processed and stored before it arrived in stores. Was it fresh, frozen, canned, or powdered? Each method of storing and processing fruits can impact diabetes and overall health differently. Studies have shown that fresh fruits have little to no negative impact on blood sugar. The same goes for frozen fruits or those preserved in their own juices. However, canned fruits can be harmful. Fruits in supermarkets packed in jars or cans are preserved commercially with preservatives. And most preservatives use sugar as the main ingredient. It is advisable to stick to fruits without added sugars and preservatives. Check the fruit’s glycemic index Glycemic index, or GI, is a rating given to every food, including fruits, depending on the speed at which it can increase blood sugar levels.
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Foods and habits that can worsen arthritis

Foods and habits that can worsen arthritis

Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that causes painful and swollen joints. It is also categorized by the presence of signs like soreness and stiffness of the joints. Feet, hands, wrists, and knees are some of the most commonly affected areas of the body. Treatment options often aim to reduce the inflammation and pain caused by the condition. It has been found that natural remedies, and healthy eating habits, show greater results. Treatment options: TREMFYA® Tremfya® belongs to the class of compounds known as monoclonal antibodies. Its mode of action is based on blocking a compound called interleukin-23. The body naturally produces interleukin-23 and is blocked by guselkumab present in TREMFYA®. It is essential in the prevention of frequent inflammation and the reduction of swelling. These are two of the most common symptoms seen in arthritis patients. It is administered as an injection, preferably by a trained professional. Some common side effects of TREMFYA® include gastroenteritis, skin infections, headaches, and more. ACTEMRA® Actemra® is a rheumatoid arthritis treatment option that contains tocilizumab as its primary ingredient. It is generally prescribed to patients with moderate to severe arthritic symptoms. Actemra® works by blocking the IL-6 compounds responsible for the body’s inflammatory response to triggers.
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3 effective ways to deal with cold and flu symptoms

3 effective ways to deal with cold and flu symptoms

Cold and flu (influenza) are contagious conditions brought on by viruses that enter the body through nose, eyes, or the mouth. While cold is a milder respiratory condition, both illnesses are often characterized by similar symptoms like sneezing, coughing, fever, runny nose, congestion, and body ache. However, certain treatment options, right food choices, and remedies can help people get rid of the symptoms. So, here are 3 ways to deal with cold and flu: Treatment options Antiobiotics are usually ineffective in treating cold- and flu-like symptoms. Doctors may recommed the following options: Xofluza: Xofluza is an antiviral treatment option prescribed for patients affected by the flu. However, the tablet is said to be most effective when taken within 48 hours of the appearance of symptoms. Xofluza helps reduce the severity of symptoms like fever, sore throat, chills, and fatigue. It works by interfering with the growth of the virus and might also cut down the recovery time by a day or two. Tamiflu: Tamiflu is a treatment option prescribed for patients affected by the flu virus. It is an antiviral option in the form of 75mg tablets that are usually available in a pack of 10. This can also be recommended to prevent contracting the infection.
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3 treatment tips to fight melanoma

3 treatment tips to fight melanoma

Melanoma, which is one of the most serious forms of skin cancer, develops in melanin cells or melanocytes, which are the cells responsible for skin pigmentation. It is caused when UV rays or tanning beds alter the melanocytes’ genetic mutations. Early detection has been found to heal most patients suffering from the disease. This article discusses the treatment options, meal plans, and lifestyle changes that can help patients with melanoma alleviate its effects: What are the treatment options? Early treatment is crucial to ensure a complete recovery from melanoma. Surgery is the primary intervention for melanoma, particularly when it is detected in an initial stage and the tumor is less than 1 mm in thickness. However, surgical melanoma removal becomes difficult or impossible if the condition is left undiagnosed. In such cases, one of the most reliable treatment options is Opdivo®, authorized by FDA for patients with advanced melanoma, i.e., stages III and IV. In stage III, surgery must be supplemented by other treatments to eradicate melanoma cells. In stage IV, melanoma begins spreading to other organs and cannot be removed surgically. Typically, hospitalization is not required for Opdivo ® intervention, as outpatient treatment is the preferred treatment plan. Opdivo ® primarily aims to dissolve tumors from all parts of the body, facilitate symptom relief, and help patients recover completely from the condition.
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6 common migraine triggers to be aware of

6 common migraine triggers to be aware of

A migraine is a severe form of headache occurring on one side of the head. It is also characterized by nausea, light and sound sensitivity, vomiting and, sometimes, loss of appetite or cravings. The most common migraine types are aura migraine, which affects vision, and common migraine, wherein vision is not compromised. This article discusses the most common migraine triggers, as well as treatment options, meal plans, and lifestyle changes to alleviate its effects: Various factors are involved in causing a migraine. It is best to know the causes of one’s migraine so that the treatment options can be recommended accordingly. Here are some common migraine triggers. Stress Stress is a highly common cause of migraine. It can alter brain structures and functions, causing or aggravating migraine. Excess stress can often lead to a vicious cycle, wherein individuals with high stress levels develop migraine, which further elevates stress. Hormonal changes Hormonal changes, particularly in women, are major triggers of migraine. Women may experience severe migraines at the onset of periods or during pregnancy and menopause. Contraceptive pills can exacerbate the condition in some women. Weather fluctuations Changes in weather can trigger hormonal imbalances in the brain, particularly the serotonin levels, causing a migraine.
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7 foods to avoid when dealing with Crohn’s disease

7 foods to avoid when dealing with Crohn’s disease

Inflammatory bowel illnesses like Crohn’s disease make the tissues in the digestive tract swell (inflammation), which can cause abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, exhaustion, and malnutrition. Choosing the right food can be challenging when affected by Crohn’s disease as certain foods, especially those thought to be healthy, such as raw fruits and vegetables, might cause a Crohn’s flare-up or exacerbate symptoms. So here are some foods that should be avoided when dealing with Crohn’s disease: Caffeine Cramping, bloating, and diarrhea can be brought on by caffeinated beverages, so coffee and caffeinated sodas should all be avoided during an attack. Instead, one can opt for other fluids, water, or even broth to get hydrated. People with Crohn’s should also avoid high-sugar sports beverages as diarrhea may worsen with excessive sugar. Herbal or decaffeinated teas are great alternatives for coffee. One should keep an eye on their urine and aim for pale-yellow urine color throughout the day by drinking adequate fluids. Popcorn Popcorn is a beloved food that is strong in fiber and frequently chosen as a light snack with melted butter. Unfortunately, Crohn’s symptoms can be triggered by both fiber and fat. In general, a low-fat, low-residue diet or a diet devoid of high-fiber or fatty foods is beneficial for those with Crohn’s disease.
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5 foods to avoid when dealing with bronchitis

5 foods to avoid when dealing with bronchitis

Bronchitis is an illness brought on by inflamed bronchial tubes—the airways to your lungs. These tubes become swollen, making it harder for air to pass through and causing breathing issues, throat pain, and cough. Along with the doctor’s prescribed treatment, one can make certain lifestyle changes to deal with the condition, such as limiting and avoiding food items that could hurt the health of the lungs. Some foods one should avoid are: 1. Red Meat Red meat is difficult to digest, and when one is affected by respiratory conditions such as asthma or bronchitis, digestion is already slower than usual. So, it could take up to 3–4 times longer to digest this heavy food item. A slow digestive system could result in inflammation and obstruction in the respiratory system, which can cause pain in the throat, persistent cough, and breathing issues. Additionally, a 2017 study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition discovered that the consumption of processed and red meats is connected with inflammatory indicators in both men and women. 2. Excessive salt In people with lung disease, excess sodium induces fluid retention, which can result in breathlessness. Even though table salt is the most popular source of sodium, the majority of our daily sodium intake comes from the food we eat.
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Food items to be ignored when diagnosed with hyperkalemia

Food items to be ignored when diagnosed with hyperkalemia

Potassium is an integral mineral that keeps your nervous and cardiovascular systems functioning. However, excess of it can result in conditions such as hyperkalemia. If your potassium levels are high, you might need to review your food intake to manage this condition effectively. High potassium levels in the body over a prolonged period can lead to serious health complications. Here is a list of food items to be avoided if you are diagnosed with hyperkalemia. Dried apricots Dried apricots are very high in potassium and must be avoided at all costs. Half a cup of dried apricot contains 755.3 milligrams of potassium. There are other dried fruits too which are rich in this mineral and should also be avoided. Half a cup of prunes has about 700 milligrams of this element, whereas the same quantity of raisins has 618 milligrams of potassium. Beans and lentils Food items such as beans may seem like a good option for energy and minerals but they can likely be harmful for consumption to a person diagnosed with hyperkalemia. For example, just a handful of canned kidney beans might contain about 607 milligrams of potassium and, thus, should be avoided. However, you can reduce the effects of potassium in beans by soaking uncooked beans overnight and rinsing them thoroughly before cooking.
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5 skincare mistakes that cause premature aging

5 skincare mistakes that cause premature aging

Achieving a youthful glow is a dream for most of us. Even though you might be using the best anti-aging creams, a few small mistakes in your skincare routine could be sabotaging the whole process, leading to premature wrinkles and fine lines. Shocking, right? The key to attaining that smoother, firmer-looking skin is to pay attention to the details. Here are 5 skincare mistakes that you need to stop doing now! 5 skincare mistakes that cause premature aging Stepping out without sunscreen The most overlooked anti-aging skincare procedure is applying sunscreen before you step out of the house. The damage caused by the harsh UV rays of the sun and free radicals is the primary reason for premature aging, hyperpigmentation, and even for every other severe skin disease. So, always slather sunscreen with SPF 30 or above, and reapply it every two hours or more, especially if you engage in swimming and other outdoor activities. In addition, use a hat whenever you step out of the house because it can offer an extra layer of protection against the scorching heat and UV rays. Sleeping with makeup on Sleeping with makeup is a very bad habit as it not only clogs your pores and results in acne breakouts and skin irritation but also expedites the aging process.
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Foods to avoid for managing multiple sclerosis symptoms

Foods to avoid for managing multiple sclerosis symptoms

Multiple sclerosis is a prevalent health condition that affects the central nervous system. It occurs when the immune system destroys the protective covering of the nerve. Health researchers do not know what exactly causes this to happen, but it is often attributed to immune, genetic, and environmental factors. Nutrition also plays an important role. Some foods are said to trigger or worsen the symptoms of multiple sclerosis and lead to complications. Sugar Too much sugar can lead to lifestyle disorders like diabetes. It can also cause kidney damage, a rapid heartbeat, vision problems, and other issues. Further, high amounts of sugar may contribute to nerve damage, which is already common in those with multiple sclerosis. Therefore, patients must closely watch their sugar intake and reduce its use in meals to prevent complications. Sometimes, extra sugar can lead to frequent ups and downs in blood sugar levels, increasing fatigue. A few sweet items to avoid are chocolates, candy, cookies, and sweetened beverages. It may take some time to put an end to the craving for these foods, but one must make a conscious effort. Saturated fats Foods with saturated fats like beef, pork, palm oil, and full-fat dairy can severely impact neurological health over the years.
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