8 signs that indicate excess sugar intake
Sugar can be an addictive ingredient in food and drinks. With all the processed and fast food available at every store, it becomes difficult to avoid this component. While some are strict about their diet, some do not keep a tab on their daily sugar intake. Let’s look at some of the signs and symptoms that may point toward excess sugar intake in a diet.
Weight gain
Sugars tend to be used up by the body very quickly, leaving it hungry for more. Most processed foods and sugary treats do not have anything nutritious content in them – no protein, fiber, or healthy fats – to keep the body full and satiated. So consuming sugary foods or drinks is like consuming empty calories with no benefits. According to research, it was also observed that sweet beverages promoted weight gain in adults as well as children.
High blood pressure
Research suggests that too much sugar in the diet can lead to hypertension or high blood pressure in individuals. Studies observe that high glucose levels could be responsible for damaging the lining inside the blood cells, making it vulnerable for cholesterol to stick to them. This can cause the vessels to narrow down, making it difficult for blood to flow.
Sugar intake triggers androgen secretion, which results in break out on the skin. Not just acne, but high sugar content can also cause more wrinkles and make the skin dull. Drink lots of water to keep the skin hydrated and flush out the toxins that could affect the skin’s health.
Low energy
Since sugar is digested very quickly in the body, it can drain the body of its energy. It also then leads to craving more sugar, and the cycle becomes vicious with constant changes in energy levels in the body. This can lower the energy in the body.
Sleep issues
In a study published in 2019 in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, sleep quality is inversely proportional to sugar consumption in individuals. The glycemic control needs to be in balance in order to maintain sleep quality.
A study published in Medical Hypotheses in 2020 observed that high sugar intake led to increased inflammation in the body, bad mood, and symptoms of depressive mental health. After eating sugar, the insulin levels spike, decreasing the glucose levels in the bloodstream. This also affects the brain. It needs an optimal level of glucose in the body to function healthily.
Sweet cravings
Eating sweets triggers the dopamine levels in the body. These “happy hormones” are a result of sugar consumption which targets the pleasure senses in the brain called the mesocorticolimbic pathway. Also, the rise of dopamine levels in the body can itself lead to sweet cravings, so the whole process turns into a vicious cycle that is difficult to break. It is important to fill your cravings with whole foods that break this cycle.
Joint pain
This may not just be an age-related pain but a food-related one! Research suggests that about 24 percent of participants in a study who had rheumatoid arthritis said foods like desserts and sodas triggered pain in their joints. High amounts of sugar can cause systemic inflammation, which can affect the joints.
Constant excessive sugar intake could also result in the development of lifestyle conditions such as diabetes. The federal medical insurance program, Medicare, covers diabetes self-management training services for people who are at high risk for diabetes, or those who have already received their diagnosis. Medicare Part B also grants access to regular diabetes screening tests, blood glucose monitors, and supplies such as lancet devices and test strips, as prescribed by the doctor.
Further, excess sugar intake can cause other complications, such as diabetic neuropathy, where nerve damage may occur due to continuous high blood sugar levels. This may lead to pain, tingling, and chronic back pain.
When blood sugar reaches levels beyond 180 mg/dl, excess sugar leaks into the bladder. This increases sugar levels in the urine as well. Too much sugar in the urine can cause kidney damage, especially for those with diabetes.
Diabetic patients with consistently high blood glucose levels are also at risk of developing diabetic macular edema and eye retinopathy. The former condition caused due to damage to retinal blood vessels, is similar to wet macular degeneration but has a slower progression. These conditions may lead to blurry vision or even blindness if not treated on time.
Refined sugar found in processed foods can even cause stomach pain, cramping, bloating, and other problems. So, one may experience symptoms of digestive issues, such as liver damage, diarrhea, and gas, as a result of excessive sugar intake. It is advisable to seek timely professional assistance for defusing health complications related to one’s vital function of digestion. One can also consult a nutritionist to understand the ideal amount of sugar safe for the body.
Apart from prescriptions, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to manage blood sugar, doctors may also suggest Tea Burn supplements for diabetes management, with a specific focus on maintaining a healthy BMI. Gummy supplements may also be recommended to help diabetics meet their nutritional needs. However, one must check the gummies’ sugar content and nutritional facts before use.
Scheduling an appointment with a certified healthcare expert is imperative for people with high blood sugar. Doctors can study the symptoms specified above to diagnose conditions like diabetes and thyroid problems accurately. Once diagnosed, the healthcare professional can help find the ideal treatment for the condition, easing recovery.