7 reasons to consider permanent hair removal

7 reasons to consider permanent hair removal

Hair removal is more than just about maintaining aesthetics. It’s a necessary task for keeping general hygiene. Note that many underlying factors, including good genetics, daily nutrition, overall immunity, and overall general hygiene, determine hair growth. As a result, some people may struggle with excessive hair growth in unwanted areas. Here are some compelling reasons to consider permanent hair removal a viable solution for adults of all ages.

Reduced maintenance
Unwanted hair clusters under the armpits, back, chest, legs, neck, and even shoulders all add up to extra maintenance. You’ll be forced to trim these growths, as leaving hair growth unattended traps a lot of body heat and causes skin problems. For example, getting a laser hair removal treatment done permanently eliminates the need for trimming and maintenance. You save time and effort, not to mention the savings on grooming products.

Improved hygiene
Hair follicles and thick portions of growth trap all sorts of dirt, debris, and sweat. It becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and increases the risk of infections. This is most common for areas under the armpits, pubic hair, chest hair, and hair on the back. Also, repeatedly shaving and trimming these areas only exposes the skin to some harsh chemicals and products that further cause problems to develop on the surface. So, removing unwanted hair permanently improves hygiene to a great extent.

Prevents body odor from worsening
Body odor develops as the pores of the skin trap heat and releases sweat. In fact, as people age, body odor becomes more noticeable despite using the best deodorants and antiperspirants. Removing unwanted thick body hair minimizes the chances of odor lingering. The skin pores also release sweat without hair follicles growing thickly and obstructing the surface. Some people develop acute and chronic infections that trigger excessive sweating. Removing unwanted hair can prevent the symptoms from worsening and causing skin infections.

Avoid razor burn and ingrown hairs
One of the biggest drawbacks of shaving and trimming unwanted hair regularly is razor burn. For underarm and pubic hair, it’s advisable to avoid using a straight razor as the skin here is quite sensitive. Razor burns cause inflammation and skin irritation that can persist for days. Also, cutting off the hair follicles above the surface increases the risk of ingrown hairs. This is because the top layer of the skin grows over the roots leading to the hair follicles getting trapped under the skin. Ingrown hair can become discolored and infected. Laser hair removal can provide a permanent solution to these problems.

Enhanced appearance
People have different perceptions when it comes to body hair. While some people don’t mind natural growth, others may perceive excessive hair growth as unappealing. These preferences are, of course, subjective and shouldn’t necessarily influence anyone to consider hair removal. However, permanent hair removal is an option for those who have to constantly trim body hair, a task that is time-consuming and quite a hassle. Laser hair removal is quick, painless, and has fewer side effects when compared to other forms. On the downside, it is more expensive and requires at least half a dozen sessions to permanently maintain the look.

Hair removal for better athletic performance
Sportspersons and athletes participating in events like running, swimming, and cycling consider permanent hair removal to improve body aerodynamics. Now you’d wonder how much of a difference a few growth patches can make. Conclusive studies conducted by sports research institutes suggest complete body hair removal reduces the drag swimmers experience in water by about 7%. That number is the difference between winning and losing in competitive sports.

Personal preference
One of the biggest reasons for considering hair removal is personal preference. You don’t have to do it just because someone makes a compelling reason. Unless one experiences some discomfort due to thick hair growth or potentially struggles with an underlying condition that causes excessive sweating or inflammation of the skin, it’s really more of a personal grooming choice. Permanent hair removal is not a necessary choice for everyone. You can always rely on temporary solutions like getting body wax once in a while and generally maintaining good hygiene.

Always consult a skin specialist or trichologist to understand the pros and cons of hair removal. Permanent treatments are expensive and should only be done by a trained professional.

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Understanding arthritis – A common joint condition

The joints are constantly working while we move our limbs, so, understandably, people may develop certain joint conditions that cause pain and compromise mobility, especially with age. One of the common joint conditions is arthritis, which leads to joint inflammation and mild to severe pain. While there are several types of arthritis, the two most common types are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Stages Rheumatoid arthritis has four stages: Stage 1: At this stage, inflammation occurs inside the joints, and swelling, stiffness, and joint pain are the common symptoms. Stage 2: The inflammation of the joint lining, synovium, aggravates at this stage and results in cartilage damage. The affected joints’ range of motion is also compromised, causing pain and discomfort. Stage 3: At this stage, the severity of the joint condition increases, and it leads to bone damage. This results in more pain, loss of mobility, and weakness of muscles. The bones rubbing against each other can cause bone deformity as well. Stage 4: This is the final stage where the joints stop functioning completely. It leads to more pain, stiffness, and swelling, and the bones may even fuse, which is known as ankylosis. Osteoarthritis also has four stages of progression: Stage 1: Wear and tear may affect the knee joints, and minor spur growths on the affected bone can also be seen, but the condition does not cause too much pain at this stage. Stage 2: The bone spur growths increase and cause pain, and the knee joints become stiffer. Stage 3: This stage is characterized by joint inflammation leading to increased pain and stiffness. Walking can also cause popping sounds in the joints. Stage 4: The space between the bones in the joints becomes very narrow, causing the cartilage to wear down. Also, a chronic inflammatory response caused by the breakdown of cartilage aggravates discomfort and pain. Diagnosis of arthritis These joint conditions can be diagnosed using several tests. A physical examination reveals whether a patient has red, warm, and tender joints, and this test also helps examine the fluid around the joints. A rheumatologist can analyze the level of inflammation in the joints to determine the type of arthritis an individual is affected with. Also, blood tests are undertaken to check for antibodies like anti-CCP, rheumatoid factor, and antinuclear antibody. In addition, X-ray, CT scans, and MRI are also performed to check the condition of the cartilage and bones. Prevention of arthritis A family history of joint conditions like arthritis or aging can increase one’s risk of developing arthritis, but making certain lifestyle changes can also help lower the chances of developing the condition. To start with, one should include more foods with omega-3 fatty acids in their diet as these healthy fats are anti-inflammatory. One should also exercise regularly, keep their weight under check, reduce stress on their joints, and try to avoid injuries. Also, if one notices any symptoms of arthritis, they should consult a doctor immediately as early diagnosis goes a long way in managing the condition effectively through timely treatment.

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Household products and factors that can lead to lung damage

Household products can help ensure the space remains clean or make the house more aesthetically appealing. However, some things, be it decor like carpets or products like humidifiers, can do more harm than good. In fact, alongside things like water damage, poor materials, and accumulation of fine dust, some everyday household products are known to cause lung damage. Over time, one can face several complications, such as allergic reactions, headaches, and even respiratory issues. 5 household products and factors that lead to lung damage Carpets Carpets, irrespective of size and color, help add some warmth to a room. But, sometimes these decor pieces can act as a breeding ground for pollutants and potential allergens, such as dust, dirt, pet dander, lead, dust mites, and cockroach allergens. Furthermore, toxic gases can settle into these carpets, which may become airborne during activities like walking, running, and even vacuuming. These carpets can also contain certain chemicals in the form of adhesives and carpet pads, which can be incredibly harmful to lung health. So, one of the best ways to steer clear of this lung-damaging household product is to alternatively use rugs or stick to hard flooring, especially in damp areas of the house like kitchens, bathrooms, and entryways. Mold While one can keep the house sparkling clean, some areas such as laundry rooms, crawl spaces, washrooms, and attics are prone to dampness. This creates the perfect environment to promote the growth of mold, bacteria, viruses, cockroaches, and dust mites. Moreover, when one is exposed to mold, it can trigger asthma symptoms and allergic reactions. Some of the other signs that indicate worsening lung health are nasal congestion, wheezing, coughing, rhinitis, and sneezing. Besides this, it has been found that some people can have an increased risk of health issues originating from damp areas in the home. These include young children, seniors, and people with cystic fibrosis or immunosuppression. Some ways suggested by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to counter the issue are: Drying clothes outdoors Opening windows post hot water showers Regularly checking the house plumbing for possible leaks, extra moisture, and damage Humidifier Typically, one may use humidifiers in the winter or extreme weather conditions that lead to dry air. While this may seem harmless, inhalation of humidifier disinfectants has been associated with lung damage. Over and above this, in the case of young children with respiratory infections, humidifiers can make matters worse by worsening allergies and asthma symptoms. So it's considered best to steer clear of this product. But alternatively, one can try a few tips, such as using dish soaps and water to clean the humidifier every 2-3 days. Plus, one must ensure the filters of the product are cleaned at least once a week. Hair straightener Most people know that straightening one’s hair comes at the cost of exposing it to strong chemicals. This includes utilizing hair styling beauty products, such as hair straighteners which use heat to remove all traces of moisture from the strands of hair. The heat exposure causes common issues, such as breakage, frizziness, dryness, hair fall, dullness, and split ends. However, the damage does not stop there. When trying to straighten hair, one must use specific products for the best results. When these products come in contact with the heat from the hair straightener, they release formaldehyde gas, which can cause asthma, lung irritation, and more health issues. Alternatively, one can try other chemical and heat-free methods to get straight hair. Some of these methods are blowdrying with cool air and hair wrapping. Candles and incense products Most people use scented candles and incense sticks for their calming aroma. However, when utilized, they can cause health issues such as allergic reactions and lung irritation. This happens due to the release of smoke, soot, and VOCs (volatile organic compounds) into the air, which can worsen lung conditions. Therefore, to prevent such health problems, one can switch to soy or beeswax candles and low-emission incense products to keep the home smelling good at all times. Another way to have the house smell nice without using candles or incense is by utilizing essential oils. In addition to the above-mentioned common household factors contributing to lung damage, one must be wary of the damage caused by insecticides, pesticides, cleaning products, air fresheners, and high-VOC paints and solvents. This way, one can prevent damage to the organ and its associated diseases.

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Stages, diagnosis, and prevention of ADHD

Stages, diagnosis, and prevention of ADHD

ADHD, short for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, affects children worldwide, and this also often carries on into their adulthood. Some of the different problems faced by kids suffering from ADHD include sustaining attention for a long time, impulsive behavior, and hyperactivity. There might be other problems associated with ADHD, like low self-esteem, low grades in school, and difficulty in keeping up with relationships. More often than not, symptoms of ADHD are seen to have decreased with age. However, there are cases wherein ADHD symptoms never subside. Levels of ADHD There are three different levels or stages at which ADHD can affect individuals. They are: Predominantly inattentive ADHD This level of ADHD may be related to missing details very easily and getting distracted often. Also, one may get bored very quickly. One has difficulty in processing new information, and there is also the tendency to not listen properly. One might not be able to follow directions very clearly and also lose things like pencils or papers. It has been observed that girls are more likely to get inattentive ADHD than boys. Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive ADHD This is mostly associated with symptoms like restlessness and difficulty with sitting still. Kids suffering from hyperactive-impulsive ADHD have a tendency to talk consistently, and it’s less likely that they will engage in quiet activities.
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Understanding skin aging

Understanding skin aging

Changes in the skin are one of the biggest signs that the body is aging. But how the aging of skin takes place depends on a lot of factors such as our diet, lifestyle habits, stress levels, and the like. For example, if you smoke regularly, it can lead to the production of free radicals, which damage healthy skin cells and cause wrinkles. So, let’s dig a little deeper into skin aging so that you can diagnose it and prevent it for as long as possible. Stages of skin aging As you age, you will start noticing changes in your skin. These changes take place in phases or stages. Learning about these phases can allow you to take better care of your skin and stay away from everything that can prove to be harmful to it. So, these stages of skin aging are: Stage I – Between 25 and 35 years This is the time when your skin will look extremely voluminous to you. But, this is also the time when the early signs of aging will start to appear. Therefore, it is important that you follow a good skincare regime. Some wrinkles can start appearing on the forehead. Lines can also start to appear on the face when you make normal expressions such as laughing, smiling, or frowning.
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