7 helpful tips to lead a happier life

7 helpful tips to lead a happier life

Happiness is a state of mind that can be cultivated through conscious effort and self-awareness. Certain factors are known to contribute significantly to one’s overall well-being and to bring a sense of joy, purpose, and satisfaction. Some of these factors give relatively quicker results, while others may need constant practice and patience. A few such proven keys to happiness are listed below. Practicing these can empower one to proactively nurture and experience fulfillment.

Accept strengths and weaknesses

Self-acceptance involves acknowledging strengths and vulnerabilities while promoting a positive attitude toward oneself. Studies have shown that self-acceptance is crucial in lowering psychological issues and improving overall well-being. It also involves realizing that one will experience moments of joy and success but also sorrow and failures and embracing both without judgment or resistance. In addition, living in alignment with one’s values, passions, and beliefs creates a sense of inner harmony and reduces the need for external validation.

Practice self-care habits

Practicing self-care habits can help reduce stress, increase creativity, promote a sense of calm, and be a therapeutic way to process one’s emotions. Some common self-care habits can include-

  • Setting boundaries and saying no to activities or commitments that reduce one’s energy or cause excessive stress
  • Taking time to reflect, recharge, and reconnect with self
  • Taking time for leisure activities, hobbies, or simply doing nothing to unwind and recharge
  • Spending time in nature
  • Journaling one’s thoughts and feelings

Invest in physical well-being

Physical well-being encompasses practices that contribute to a healthy and balanced body and bring happiness. Some of them include-

  • Quality sleep – Getting enough sleep helps one manage emotions better. Doctors advise adults to sleep for about 7 to 9 hours daily. Sleep quality also impacts one’s overall mood. Having a light dinner, avoiding caffeine in the evening, and not waking up to harsh alarms are some ways to improve sleep quality.
  • Limiting screen exposure – Studies have linked excessive screen time to physical and emotional problems among people. Experts advise stopping using smartphones or other devices 30 minutes before bed.
  • Hydration – Dehydration can affect one’s emotional well-being and productivity. It is known to affect the brain’s serotonin production and trigger parts of the brain that trigger anxiety. So it’s important to drink lots of fluids to maintain one’s hydration levels.
  • Eating healthy foods – Eating junk food can negatively affect one’s physical and mental health. When the brain doesn’t receive proper nutrition, it cannot release feel-good chemicals and hormones, affecting one’s happiness levels. Therefore, it’s important to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, unprocessed protein, and healthy fats in one’s meal plan. Some superfoods like blueberries, dark chocolate, apples, and green tea are known to evoke positive emotions.
  • Exercising – Regular physical activity has been scientifically proven to release brain chemicals like dopamine, endocannabinoid, adrenaline, and endorphins. These are all mood-stabilizing chemicals associated with feelings of pleasure and reward and improved emotional well-being. They also help reduce cortisol levels and act as natural stress relievers. In addition, exercising also increases energy levels and improves sleep patterns, leaving one feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. One can practice any physical exercise as per one’s preference for at least 30 minutes per day, including cycling, jogging, running, skipping, swimming, aerobics, dancing, strength training, yoga, boxing, or simply walking.

Keep learning new things

Pursuing self-improvement opportunities that expand one’s knowledge has short-term and long-term benefits. Initially, these activities bring enjoyment and help people satisfy their curiosity. In the long run, they bring a sense of fulfillment and competence and boost confidence for having developed a new skill. It also generates new neural connections that delay brain aging and improve cerebral capabilities.

Support others through acts of service

Acts of service trigger the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and endorphins in the brain. When individuals engage in helping, volunteering, or offering emotional, financial, or any other form of support to others, they experience a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Additionally, acts of service also strengthen social connections and foster a sense of belonging.

Practice gratitude and foster connections

Practicing gratitude in daily life helps individuals to focus on what one has instead of what one lacks, which is important in developing the feeling of happiness. Similarly, nurturing meaningful relationships, spending time with loved ones, connecting with nature, people, and animals, and seeking social support when facing challenges can bring happiness.

Maintain a positive mindset

Cultivating a positive mindset involves consciously choosing optimism over pessimism. When faced with difficulties, considering challenges as opportunities for growth can boost resilience and facilitate happiness. One can surround themselves with positive influences, such as uplifting individuals and inspiring content to promote happiness.

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Understanding arthritis – A common joint condition

The joints are constantly working while we move our limbs, so, understandably, people may develop certain joint conditions that cause pain and compromise mobility, especially with age. One of the common joint conditions is arthritis, which leads to joint inflammation and mild to severe pain. While there are several types of arthritis, the two most common types are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Stages Rheumatoid arthritis has four stages: Stage 1: At this stage, inflammation occurs inside the joints, and swelling, stiffness, and joint pain are the common symptoms. Stage 2: The inflammation of the joint lining, synovium, aggravates at this stage and results in cartilage damage. The affected joints’ range of motion is also compromised, causing pain and discomfort. Stage 3: At this stage, the severity of the joint condition increases, and it leads to bone damage. This results in more pain, loss of mobility, and weakness of muscles. The bones rubbing against each other can cause bone deformity as well. Stage 4: This is the final stage where the joints stop functioning completely. It leads to more pain, stiffness, and swelling, and the bones may even fuse, which is known as ankylosis. Osteoarthritis also has four stages of progression: Stage 1: Wear and tear may affect the knee joints, and minor spur growths on the affected bone can also be seen, but the condition does not cause too much pain at this stage. Stage 2: The bone spur growths increase and cause pain, and the knee joints become stiffer. Stage 3: This stage is characterized by joint inflammation leading to increased pain and stiffness. Walking can also cause popping sounds in the joints. Stage 4: The space between the bones in the joints becomes very narrow, causing the cartilage to wear down. Also, a chronic inflammatory response caused by the breakdown of cartilage aggravates discomfort and pain. Diagnosis of arthritis These joint conditions can be diagnosed using several tests. A physical examination reveals whether a patient has red, warm, and tender joints, and this test also helps examine the fluid around the joints. A rheumatologist can analyze the level of inflammation in the joints to determine the type of arthritis an individual is affected with. Also, blood tests are undertaken to check for antibodies like anti-CCP, rheumatoid factor, and antinuclear antibody. In addition, X-ray, CT scans, and MRI are also performed to check the condition of the cartilage and bones. Prevention of arthritis A family history of joint conditions like arthritis or aging can increase one’s risk of developing arthritis, but making certain lifestyle changes can also help lower the chances of developing the condition. To start with, one should include more foods with omega-3 fatty acids in their diet as these healthy fats are anti-inflammatory. One should also exercise regularly, keep their weight under check, reduce stress on their joints, and try to avoid injuries. Also, if one notices any symptoms of arthritis, they should consult a doctor immediately as early diagnosis goes a long way in managing the condition effectively through timely treatment.

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9 ways sugary sodas harm one’s health

Most sodas in the market have ingredients like carbon dioxide, water, sugar (sucrose, fructose, or glucose), intense sweeteners, acids, preservatives, and added colors. One can of the beverage provides about 150 calories, mostly from added sugar, and hardly any nutritional value. If fact, studies have shown the drink can increase the risk of health complications like fatty liver disease, heart disease, and diabetes. Here are nine ways in which sugary sodas are bad for health. Insulin resistance Insulin helps the cells absorb glucose from the bloodstream and convert it into energy. Consuming too much sugar, as found in sodas, causes the cells to become less sensitive to insulin. As a result, the pancreas produces higher amounts of the hormone, leading to a spike. This is known as insulin resistance. High levels of insulin resistance have been linked to an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease. Soda cravings Sugar consumption triggers the release of dopamine in the brain. Also called the feel-good hormone, dopamine boosts mood and provides a sense of pleasure. Therefore, some people unknowingly crave sweets when they are low, which leads to increased dependence on them. While such cravings can be hard to get rid of, gradually reducing sugar intake can help. Fatty liver disease Fructose, a kind of sugar found in soda, is metabolized by the liver. When consumed excessively, the liver becomes overburdened and turns fructose into fat. This increases the fat cells in the liver and, thus, the risk of fatty liver disease. Leptin resistance The body produces a hormone called leptin, which tells the brain that the stomach is full and one needs to stop eating. Due to leptin resistance, a person may not receive the sensation of feeling full or satiated and, thus, overeat. According to studies conducted on animals, increased fructose consumption may lead to leptin resistance. However, human studies on the subject are pending. Heart disease Research has shown that excessive sugar consumption indirectly increases the risk of heart disease by raising blood sugar, blood triglycerides, and small, dense LDL particles. A 20-year-long study conducted with 40,000 men found that those who drank one sugary drink daily had a 20% higher risk of having or dying from a heart attack than others. Cancer risk People who enjoy too many sodas may also be at risk of developing cancer. According to a study on 60,000 adults, those who consumed two or more sugary beverages daily had an 87% higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer than those who did not. Another study found that postmenopausal women who drink too many sugary sodas may have a higher risk of endometrial cancer. Furthermore, research has linked sugary beverages to higher cancer recurrence and an increased death rate among colorectal cancer patients. Poor dental health Most sodas contain phosphoric, carbonic, and other acids. They increase the acidity levels in the mouth, making the teeth susceptible to decay. The damage is more serious when acid is combined with sugar since the latter is also an energy source for oral bacteria. Over time, soda consumption can lead to toothaches, infections, cavities, and tooth loss. Gout Fructose can increase uric acid levels in the body. And when uric acid becomes crystallized, it leads to gout. Common symptoms of this condition include pain and inflammation in the joints, especially the big toes. Studies suggest that sugary soda increases the risk of gout in women by 75% and in men by around 50%. Dementia Dementia is a term used to refer to a broad range of health conditions that cause cognitive decline in older adults, leading to symptoms like memory loss, impaired judgment, and poor decision-making capabilities. Since higher blood sugar can increase the likelihood of dementia, individuals are advised to lower their intake of sweet beverages, including sodas. Sugar-laden beverages like colas and flavored juices are known to hurt the body and offer no nutritional benefits. Moreover, despite their high fructose content, they do not help control hunger and keep one satiated. Hence, one must avoid them as much as possible and opt for alternatives after consulting a professional nutritionist. Doing so can prevent chronic diseases and help people lead healthier lives in the long run.

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Stages, diagnosis, and prevention of ADHD

Stages, diagnosis, and prevention of ADHD

ADHD, short for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, affects children worldwide, and this also often carries on into their adulthood. Some of the different problems faced by kids suffering from ADHD include sustaining attention for a long time, impulsive behavior, and hyperactivity. There might be other problems associated with ADHD, like low self-esteem, low grades in school, and difficulty in keeping up with relationships. More often than not, symptoms of ADHD are seen to have decreased with age. However, there are cases wherein ADHD symptoms never subside. Levels of ADHD There are three different levels or stages at which ADHD can affect individuals. They are: Predominantly inattentive ADHD This level of ADHD may be related to missing details very easily and getting distracted often. Also, one may get bored very quickly. One has difficulty in processing new information, and there is also the tendency to not listen properly. One might not be able to follow directions very clearly and also lose things like pencils or papers. It has been observed that girls are more likely to get inattentive ADHD than boys. Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive ADHD This is mostly associated with symptoms like restlessness and difficulty with sitting still. Kids suffering from hyperactive-impulsive ADHD have a tendency to talk consistently, and it’s less likely that they will engage in quiet activities.
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Understanding skin aging

Understanding skin aging

Changes in the skin are one of the biggest signs that the body is aging. But how the aging of skin takes place depends on a lot of factors such as our diet, lifestyle habits, stress levels, and the like. For example, if you smoke regularly, it can lead to the production of free radicals, which damage healthy skin cells and cause wrinkles. So, let’s dig a little deeper into skin aging so that you can diagnose it and prevent it for as long as possible. Stages of skin aging As you age, you will start noticing changes in your skin. These changes take place in phases or stages. Learning about these phases can allow you to take better care of your skin and stay away from everything that can prove to be harmful to it. So, these stages of skin aging are: Stage I – Between 25 and 35 years This is the time when your skin will look extremely voluminous to you. But, this is also the time when the early signs of aging will start to appear. Therefore, it is important that you follow a good skincare regime. Some wrinkles can start appearing on the forehead. Lines can also start to appear on the face when you make normal expressions such as laughing, smiling, or frowning.
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