5 scents that can prevent mosquito bites

5 scents that can prevent mosquito bites

About 200 types of mosquitoes are commonly present in the country, and only 12 of them spread germs. Everyone must take preventive steps to protect themselves and their family from the bites of these mosquito types. Mosquitoes have a strong sense of smell, and therefore, they get sensitive to certain scents. Synthetic and chemical repellents and fragrances act as irritants. You can use the following five natural scents to keep mosquitoes at bay:

Peppermint is a potent insecticide; its oil can kill mosquito larvae within a day. Peppermint plants in your garden and yard can keep adult mosquitoes at bay, and its oil prevents mosquito bites. The impact of the oil lasts for about three hours.

How to use:

  • Mix 10-15 drops of good quality and pure peppermint essential oil in a spray bottle with two cups of water. Identify the spots that a mosquito may gain entry into or hide. Spray this essential oil solution in door frames, window sills, furniture, laundry area, curtains, exhaust fans, and air vents.
  • Alternatively, add one or two drops of peppermint oil into pieces of cotton and place them around the house.
  • Combine five to six drops of peppermint oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil and apply the mixture to your body. It is also effective to control itches in case of a mosquito bite.
  • You can crush a few leaves and rub the residue on your skin.
  • Use a few drops in a diffuser in the evening.

Sweet basil
Sweet basil contains four volatile compounds, including nerolidol, limonene, estragole, and citronella, which interfere with the mosquito’s CO2 sensors. It leads to irritation and confusion. Pure sweet basil oil can give you 100% protection from mosquitoes for about 70 minutes.

How to use:

  • Place six ounces of fresh basil leaves in a bowl or jar and pour four ounces of boiling water into it. Keep it aside for four hours. Squeeze the leaves and filter the water. Transfer the liquid into a spray can and use it on your skin.
  • Mix ten drops of basil oil with coconut oil and apply them to your exposed skin. It relieves itchy skin in case of a mosquito bite effectively.
  • Grow basil plants in your garden. Pluck a few leaves, crush them between your palms and rub them on your skin.
  • Use dry basil leaf bundles in a potpourri burner to slowly release the aroma that can drive the mosquitoes away.
  • Use a few drops in a diffuser.

Lavender, as a plant, naturally repels animals but not so with insects. Its essential oil contains linalool and has a strong odor that mosquitoes cannot tolerate. It interferes with their olfactory organs and repels the lavender scent.

How to use:

  • Boil 1.5 cups olive oil, and add two cups lavender buds and stems. Simmer this for half an hour to allow the lavender essence into the oil. Strain it twice after it has cooled down completely. Transfer to a bottle and refrigerate it. Once the oil becomes cloudy, you can use it.
  • Mix five to six drops of this oil with a few drops of carrier oil like coconut oil, and apply it over your skin. You can also combine it with other oils like tea tree oil, citronella oil, or cinnamon oil before applying it to your skin.
  • Use a few drops in a diffuser in the evening when the mosquitoes come out in large numbers.

Lemon eucalyptus
The CDC has approved lemon eucalyptus oil as an effective ingredient in preparing mosquito repellents. It is obtained from a tree and has been a trusted remedy for insect bites, colds, joint pains, and osteoarthritis. Kindly note that lemon eucalyptus is different from eucalyptus.

How to use:
Add boiled or distilled water to a spray can until it is half full. Add witch hazel up to the top. Add 30 drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil and shake till it is well mixed. Spray on areas where mosquitoes may hide and apply to your exposed skin.

In 2021, scientists observed Nepetalactone found in catnip is effective in repelling mosquitoes. Growing catnip in your garden can be a good idea as you use its leaves when required.

How to use:

  • Pluck a few catnip leaves, rub them vigorously in your palms and apply them to your exposed skin.
  • Use the leaves in your tea to heal from bites and itches.

Things to keep in mind while preparing scents
Always use genuine and unadulterated essential oils for maximum impact. If you are preparing them at home, ensure they do not come into contact with your eyes. Always use protective gear like gloves and a mask to avoid damage from boiling water and to ensure that you do not ingest the essential oils. Keep the essential oils away from the reach of children and pets. Before applying essential oils to the skin, do a test patch on your skin to see if there are any adverse reactions. If you are still confused about its uses, you can opt for repellents available on the market.

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Understanding arthritis – A common joint condition

The joints are constantly working while we move our limbs, so, understandably, people may develop certain joint conditions that cause pain and compromise mobility, especially with age. One of the common joint conditions is arthritis, which leads to joint inflammation and mild to severe pain. While there are several types of arthritis, the two most common types are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Stages Rheumatoid arthritis has four stages: Stage 1: At this stage, inflammation occurs inside the joints, and swelling, stiffness, and joint pain are the common symptoms. Stage 2: The inflammation of the joint lining, synovium, aggravates at this stage and results in cartilage damage. The affected joints’ range of motion is also compromised, causing pain and discomfort. Stage 3: At this stage, the severity of the joint condition increases, and it leads to bone damage. This results in more pain, loss of mobility, and weakness of muscles. The bones rubbing against each other can cause bone deformity as well. Stage 4: This is the final stage where the joints stop functioning completely. It leads to more pain, stiffness, and swelling, and the bones may even fuse, which is known as ankylosis. Osteoarthritis also has four stages of progression: Stage 1: Wear and tear may affect the knee joints, and minor spur growths on the affected bone can also be seen, but the condition does not cause too much pain at this stage. Stage 2: The bone spur growths increase and cause pain, and the knee joints become stiffer. Stage 3: This stage is characterized by joint inflammation leading to increased pain and stiffness. Walking can also cause popping sounds in the joints. Stage 4: The space between the bones in the joints becomes very narrow, causing the cartilage to wear down. Also, a chronic inflammatory response caused by the breakdown of cartilage aggravates discomfort and pain. Diagnosis of arthritis These joint conditions can be diagnosed using several tests. A physical examination reveals whether a patient has red, warm, and tender joints, and this test also helps examine the fluid around the joints. A rheumatologist can analyze the level of inflammation in the joints to determine the type of arthritis an individual is affected with. Also, blood tests are undertaken to check for antibodies like anti-CCP, rheumatoid factor, and antinuclear antibody. In addition, X-ray, CT scans, and MRI are also performed to check the condition of the cartilage and bones. Prevention of arthritis A family history of joint conditions like arthritis or aging can increase one’s risk of developing arthritis, but making certain lifestyle changes can also help lower the chances of developing the condition. To start with, one should include more foods with omega-3 fatty acids in their diet as these healthy fats are anti-inflammatory. One should also exercise regularly, keep their weight under check, reduce stress on their joints, and try to avoid injuries. Also, if one notices any symptoms of arthritis, they should consult a doctor immediately as early diagnosis goes a long way in managing the condition effectively through timely treatment.

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Top 10 early warning signs of Crohn’s

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that about 1.3% of adults in the country have Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), like Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis. Chronic inflammation of the digestive tract leads to Crohn's disease. Early diagnosis and treatment can help in maintaining your quality of life and preventing complications that may be life-threatening. Following are some of the early warning signs of Crohn's disease to look out for: Abdominal pain It can indicate Crohn's disease if you feel cramps and pains in the lower right abdomen or any spot along the digestive tract. Recurring inflammation, abscesses, and ulcers that develop along the GI tract cause the pain. For some, pain may be the only symptom. Nausea Some may have cramps that make them nauseous. Some may throw up when there is pain. If one has continuous or frequent pain and vomiting episodes, visit a doctor without delay. Chronic diarrhea or constipation If diarrhea does not respond to home remedies or over-the-counter remedies, it may be an early warning sign of inflammation in the colon. Though diarrhea is more common, some may also experience constipation and pain while passing stools. Anal fissures Crohn's disease directly leads to tears or fissures in the anus lining. The fissures can get infected. It can also cause severe pain and bloody stools. If you notice blood in your stools, contact your doctor immediately. Fever Fever and higher body temperature happen when the disease has advanced, and abscesses form or get infected. Fever may be accompanied by abdominal pain and cramps. Mouth sores Sudden mouth sores or flare-ups that do not respond to initial treatment can also indicate Crohn's disease. A weak and damaged digestive system cannot break down and absorb the nutrients from the food you eat. The resulting vitamin and mineral deficiencies and inflammation lead to canker sores. Disturbed appetite and eating patterns Crohn's disease disturbs the levels of hormones like leptin and ghrelin, which increase or reduce our hunger. Because of the hormonal imbalance, one may feel full even if one has eaten very little. The frequent trips to the bathroom, diarrhea, and constipation can cause aversion towards food as an individual may be unsure of what to eat and what to avoid. If you have been going through such symptoms for more than a week, do not ignore them and visit your doctor. Fatigue An individual could feel tired and may not have any energy to do anything. The sense of tiredness could be overwhelming and may not improve with adequate rest. This fatigue can happen even for those who do not experience diarrhea or lack appetite. Weight loss The cumulative impact of poor appetite, food aversions, malabsorption of vitamins and minerals, dehydration due to diarrhea, and loss of nutrients results in weight loss. Our body uses more calories to fight the impact of these diseases and symptoms, adding to the weight loss. One may experience weight loss along with one or more warning signs. Skin issues An individual may also notice dark or purple-colored bumps on the skin, open sores in the shin and ankles, or acne in teenagers. Skin tags or growths can form in armpits, groin, or anus. If it forms in the anus, fecal matter can stick to it, causing irritation and a foul odor. Blisters and psoriasis are also early warning signs of Crohn's disease. Many ignore skin issues such as allergies and may use over-the-counter treatment options. If symptoms persist, visit a doctor for an accurate and early diagnosis. Importance of knowing early warning signs of Crohn's disease Crohn's disease is a chronic condition, and since many tend to ignore the early warning signs, the disease could have progressed at the time of diagnosis. Typically the symptoms of Crohn's disease begin during the teenage and twenties. There have been cases where the symptoms start as early as 15. The disadvantage is that in most cases, symptoms do not show early. The severity and intensity of the symptoms also vary based on which part of your gut is affected. The inflammation can happen in any part of the GI tract, from the mouth to the anus. You must not ignore the early warning signs if your symptoms continue for more than two weeks. Doctors will do multiple tests and diagnose Crohn's disease only if they rule out other possible causes, as the above symptoms are common for many diseases. They will use blood, stool, and imaging tests to confirm Crohn's disease and to pinpoint which area of the GI tract has been damaged. Complications of Crohn's disease Doctors are yet to develop a cure for Crohn's disease; they treat it to reduce inflammation and prevent further complications. Urgent bowel movement, pain, loss of appetite, and weight loss are the common impacts of Crohn's disease. Some of the other complications of Crohn's disease are: Intestinal blockage which is an emergent situation Thickening of intestinal walls, making digestion slow and difficult Forming fistulas or hollow connections allows fecal matter to travel to the intestine or other body parts, leading to severe health complications. Inflammation of joints, skin, eyes, liver, and bile ducts Development issues in young children Osteoporosis Anemia Disease in gallbladder and liver Malnutrition

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Understanding skin aging

Changes in the skin are one of the biggest signs that the body is aging. But how the aging of skin takes place depends on a lot of factors such as our diet, lifestyle habits, stress levels, and the like. For example, if you smoke regularly, it can lead to the production of free radicals, which damage healthy skin cells and cause wrinkles. So, let’s dig a little deeper into skin aging so that you can diagnose it and prevent it for as long as possible. Stages of skin aging As you age, you will start noticing changes in your skin. These changes take place in phases or stages. Learning about these phases can allow you to take better care of your skin and stay away from everything that can prove to be harmful to it. So, these stages of skin aging are: Stage I – Between 25 and 35 years This is the time when your skin will look extremely voluminous to you. But, this is also the time when the early signs of aging will start to appear. Therefore, it is important that you follow a good skincare regime. Some wrinkles can start appearing on the forehead. Lines can also start to appear on the face when you make normal expressions such as laughing, smiling, or frowning.
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